Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thank You Spencer

6 years ago tomorrow a brilliant young man lost a battle he shouldn't have.So many  words I can think of but yet the only one that seems to fit was brilliant.How can  one life that you never met affect you so greatly ?The answer is simple its because of a legacy.A small group of artists ,family and friends dedicated to keeping music alive .
I quit writing and making music for a while.So deep in grief from the loss of my beloved grandma it seemed the music had died in me.Then I found the music of Spencer Bell.
Some are appalled by colorful language but I simply answer that was Spencer at his finest.He never held back,he never censored himself and he never allowed others to place limits on who he was or what he could be.
Spencer is the first artist that has influenced me as an artist to really the person's music.I heard Ben Graupner mention one time in an interview how he studied music and I didn't realize how I was doing that until I finished Mouthless Clown recently.
Quite simply I found myself as an artist that  day.To the artist and his family and friends  thank you for keeping his music alive so that others like myself pursuing my passion can study him.
So I simply say Thank You Spencer.

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